
Life Notes of Gurunathar

Gurunathar's Birthday

13.01.1936 Tamil YUVA Year,
Tamil Month MARGAZHY 29th,
Day - Monday.

Mr. Balakrishnan-
Mrs. Meenakshi Ammal

Name at Birth

Native Place
Thuraiyur, Trichy District,
South India

Date of initiation
17.09.1976 (Tamil Year NALA,
Tamil Month PURATTASI,1st Day - Friday. From this day he, as per direction of Aadhi Sivan, started observing saltless food and commenced Penance.

Date of Possession of command over breathing

26.04.1979 (Tamil Year SIDDHARTHI, Tamil Month CHITHIRAI, 13th DAY - THURSDAY, NEW MOON DAY.)

Preceptor who conducted breadth control exercise

Saint AGATHIAR led his breadth of left nostril (CHANDRA KALA) and that of right nostril (SOORYA KALA) in to the place of union of breadth of both nostrils and thus granted him life of ETERNAL Wisdom.

Yogic Silence
ONE YEAR From 13.02.1987 To 14.02.1988


  1. To carry out acts of charity, to have profound sympathy for the less fortunate, to nourish the feelings of brotherhood of all human beings regardless of any differences and to practice compassion to all living beings.

  2. To love and treat all living beings on earth as equals and to treat them all with due respect and compassion.

  3. To create a world in which all human beings live together in harmony and peace regardless of race, religion, nationality, language and etc by working hard at fostering understanding and tolerance among all the people of earth.

  4. To serve one's nation as a responsible citizen and to live without discriminating others by status, standard of living, wealth and other differences.

  5. To live with a caring attitude towards everyone and to do our best in helping those who are in need of assistance.

  6. To show unreserved hospitality to all those who come in search of us and to do our best to make them feel welcome regardless of who they may be.

  7. To immediately render assistance and relief to those who are suffering from hunger, starvation, sickness and poverty regardless of which part of the world they are in or of what nationality.

  8. To respect justifies of those who are suffering in poverty and to be of assistance to find a solution to solve poverty all over the world.

  9. To not differentiate and discriminate against others by showing preferences between the rich and the poor, between the higher and lower caste and many other man made ranks that serve to divide human kind from each other.

  10. To strive to be rid of the traits of selfishness, arrogance, pride and the desire to rule and suppress others.

  11. To teach to others with true intent and without hiding or retaining any information regarding all the experiences and lessons that one has learnt in the spiritual journey of one's life.

  12. To place trust on the returns of true hard labour and to carry the responsibility of family and close relatives gladly and willingly.

  13. To restrain altogether from gambling, drinking alcohol, taking drugs, stealing and all other acts that degrade the human person.

  14. To actively create awareness among the public of the dangers of AIDS and to make available all necessary information regarding this epidemic.

  15. To practice meditation (dhyanam) and alms giving (dhanam) as the way of life.

  16. To be of service to those who are physically handicapped.

  17. To read the Thirukkural and to expound its knowledge and wisdom to the masses.

  18. To read the Thirunamthiram and to spread its word of truth.

  19. To read the Thiruvasagam and to give public speeches whereby ordinary people who have no exposure to these great literary and spiritual works may get a chance to know and to practice the highest kind of moral and spirituality.

  20. To preach the greatness to the 'Thiruarutpa' by Saint Ramalingar in order to introduce and make prominent the concept of 'Universal Brotherhood of all mankind' and to foster the practice of compassion as the only way to truly reach the feet of the Divine Lord.

  21. To offer prayers to the Great Sage Agathiar with true devotion and love, and to spread his fame in the world.

  22. To meditate for World Peace and that all human beings be freed from the dreadful sufferings of war and crime.